Stronger Together Gala

Our Stronger Together Gala is an annual event honoring our "Unsung Heroes," those who do exceptional service for disadvantaged youth.

Our Keynote Speaker this year will be Otha Thornton. Otha Thornton was installed as the first African-American male president of National PTA. He is a retired United States Army Lieutenant Coloner. His last two assignments were with the White House Communicatiosn Agency and United States Air Force Irag in Baghdad. Thornton earned the Bronze Star Medal for exceptional performance in combat operations during Operation Iraqu Freedon 2009-2010. Thornton's military background allowed him to volunteer throughout the counry and the world at local and council levels.. Thornton is also active in the community. He is a Georgia and Alpha Phi Alphi Fraternity Incorporated. He is a life member of the National Eagle Scout Association and has more than 30 years of active service in the scouting program across the United States and around the world. He has numerous achuevement awards including the National PTA and National 4-H Lifetime Achievement Awards. Thornton received his bachelor's degree in urban studies from Morehouse College and a master's degree in communications from Michigan Technological University.

Advertising Sponsorhips are available to be featured in the Event Program

-Full Page Ad: $300

-Half Page Ad: $250

-Quarter Page Ad: $150


Thursday, November 10, 2022

Reception 6:30pm || Dinner 7:00pm



Tubman Museum

310 Cherry Street 

Macon, GA


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